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a malcontent rant 12.01.2003



30 Honest Questions for your Liberal Loved Ones...


By tha malcontent (Direct Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
ap/afp Editor in Chief
December 1, 12:25 ET


(ap) - This list is predicated on the annoying tactic that many Liberals use, of asking open ended questions, either because they do not want to take a firm stand on issues, or because they are using the questions as veiled attacks, against those they are disagreeing with in debate, or against those in Power that they disagree with, but are too Cowardly to just directly attack, instead, opting to hide behind a question... Share them with a Liberal you care about, and or add to the list and pass it along... - tha malcontent)

1.) How many questions do you ask a day?

2.) Are you going to make it until 2008?

3.) Did you know that the REPUBLICans have only gained more Power since Bush (43) took office, as opposed to Reagan in 1982, and Clinton in 1994?

4.) Did you know that REPUBLICans control the White House, the Senate, the House and 28 out of 50 Governorships?

5.) Are you happy?

6.) Are Liberals happy?

7.) Is it frustrating that people do not understand that you are right, and that they are wrong?

8.) Is Dubya dumb, in your opinion?

9.) Was Dubya AWOL?

10.) Can Dubya fly a fighter jet?

11.) Was Dubya underestimated in both of his Victories in Texas as Governor?

12.) Do we have an Electoral system in regard to the Presidency, and not a "popular vote", as many Ignorantly assert to this day.

13.) Do distinctions matter?

14.) Did you support Bosnia?...

15.) Did you complain about the inaction in Rwanda, on the part of Clinton, by comparison?

16.) Did you protest the attacks on Iraq that began during Impeachment, and that ended with Impeachment?

17.) Do you think that Clinton Lied only about a Private matter, that had no affect on anyone, but he and his Family, in regard to Monicagate?

18.) Did you know that he was Sexually Abusing an unpaid Intern, his Daughter's age, in the Oval Office, while discussing troop deployments in Bosnia with a Congressman on the phone?

19.) Did you know that he committed Felony Perjury, and was found in Contempt of Court, for willfully Lying under Oath, and subverting the Justice of an American Citizen, later settling with that Citizen, out of Court, for a million dollars, and even later, he was Disbarred for his actions?

20.) Did you know that  he collected money from Americans, to put into a Private "Presidential Defense Fund", and never returned the money, after being found so obviously Wrong in the matter that he claimed to need "Defense" from?

21.) Did you know that Algore did NOT recognize some of the Founders when presented with them in a public venue, including George Washington?

22.) Do you think Algore is smart?


23.) Did you know that before Algore was VP, he was Loved by pro-Lifers and the NRA?


24.) Did you know that Algore is a "Junior", and that Dubya is not?


25.) Did you know that the first three letters in the Failure's name that ran as VP with Algore spell "LIE"?

26.) Did you Vote for Algore?

27.) Did your vote count?

28.) Did your Chad dangle?

29.) Did your Party call you Stupid?

30.) Do you still support them, even though they so obviously think you are stupid?

These questions, and many, many more, will be answered on the next episode of...


tha malcontent

(All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


Don't do what you're polled to do!� 


This web site is designed, maintained and edited by tha malcontent...


 "what have you done for Liberty today?"� is protected speech pursuant to the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and is faithfully enforced by tha malcontent via the Second Amendment to that same Constitution. Any reproduction or redistribution of this article will be seen as an awakening of a Patriot in this Great Republic by tha malcontent, and subsequently applauded! (copyrightwing 2000-2003)


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