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Roe V. Wade Becomes Election Focus 

By Someone who is afraid of Clinic violence! (Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin! - tha malcontent)
AP Abortion Correspondent? JANUARY 22, 08:26 ET 

WASHINGTON (AP) � Tuesday's 29th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion is being used by activists to focus attention on the November congressional elections, which both sides in the abortion debate say took on new importance when George W. Bush gained the White House.


(I am pleasantly surprised that the AP is not using the word "Choice" in place of Abortion.  Of course, when the Editors get a hold of this, someone's getting a reprimand!  Just so there is no question where the editorial staff of stands on Abortion, I will clarify it for you.  99% of the time, Abortion is the talking of innocent, "inconvenient" Life by the reckless and irresponsible parent(s) of those children.  Since Roe, more than 40 million children have lost their lives due to selfish people who decided NOT to prevent the pregnancy in the first place!  Now that Abortion is considered a "right", it is the moral equivalent to the condom.  Abortion does not save Life, it is Court justified murder, pure and simple.  When I was preparing to upload this story, I noticed that one year ago to the day I covered another AP Abortion piece... Give it a look see when you get a chance! - tha malcontent)

All 435 House seats and 34 Senate seats are up for grabs in November � a point certain to be highlighted during Roe v. Wade anniversary events nationwide, including a planned march on the Supreme Court. 

The elections could alter the narrow Democratic majority in the Senate or the slender GOP edge in the House. Of particular importance is the Senate, which would have to confirm any Supreme Court nomination by President Bush, who opposes abortion, should one of the justices retire.


(Narrow DemocRAT majority?  They have 50 of the 100 seats "Free Press", it is a stolen "Plurality", GET IT RIGHT! - tha malcontent)

Abortion opponents hope Bush, if there were an opening on the high court, would nominate someone sympathetic to their cause. Bush has said he would not use the issue as a ``litmus test'' for making judicial nominations. 

Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, said her organization's candlelight vigil outside the Supreme Court on Tuesday would be ``a launch pad for a campaign to save the federal courts as a means of protecting and advancing our rights."


(The Courts are used by the Left, Miss Gandy included, as a means of protecting and advancing a humanist/Socialist agenda that they are incapable of getting through the proper REPUBLICan Governmental tool, the Legislature! - tha malcontent)

``The president and the Congress will soon get the message that they have more to fear from the women's vote than they do from the right wing,'' Gandy said.


(As long as the "Free Press" continues choosing sides, Miss Gandy is correct! - tha malcotnent)

For the anti-abortion movement, the November elections are about trying to maintain gains made in the past year as Bush actively backed the anti-abortion agenda, after eight years of White House support for abortion rights.


(Where again were "Abortion rights"  enumerated in the Constitution or it's Amendments?  That's what I thought! - tha malcontent)

Two days after taking office, Bush signed an executive order that barred U.S. aid to international groups that use their own money to support abortion � either through performing the procedure, counseling abortion as a family planning option or lobbying foreign governments on abortion policy. 

Bush made John Ashcroft, an outspoken abortion foe, his attorney general. And the president tried, unsuccessfully, to eliminate a program instituted by former President Clinton that provided prescription contraceptive coverage to federal employees. 

With abortion protesters gathering in the nation's capital over the weekend, Bush proclaimed Sunday as ``National Sanctity of Life Day.'' 

``Unborn children should be welcomed in life and protected in law,'' Bush said Saturday as he made the proclamation.


(Shot number one across the bow of the Left! - tha malcontent)

Bush also has made his views known to Congress on other issues dear to anti-abortion activists. He has voiced support for House-passed measures banning human cloning and making it a federal crime to harm a fetus during an assault on its mother. 

And just last week, Bush indicated he may cut some of the $34 million Congress appropriated for a U.N. family planning agency.

``We were successful on a number of key issues,'' said Douglas Johnson, legislative director for the National Right to Life Committee. ``Unfortunately, when the Senate changed hands, the key positions were taken over by strong pro-abortion members."


(The same "pro-Abortion members" who have turned their constituency base's cities into harbors for Abortion Clinics, gun stores and liquor stores... Do you think the DemocRATS really what their Slaves to become successful? - tha malcontent)

Johnson said anti-abortion activists will be assessing candidates' records on abortion issues in preparation for the November balloting. ``Certainly there are some strong pro-abortion senators coming up,'' he said. 

Gloria Feldt, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said ``When the administration is so anti-choice, it becomes increasingly important for Congress to balance."


("Planned Parenthood"... Considering it's popular service, shouldn't it be called "un-Planned Parenthood"?  And what in the hell does "anti-Choice" mean anyway Miss Feldt? - tha malcontent)


� Copyright 2002 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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