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Academics Declare Recession Ended in 2001

By MARTIN CRUTSINGER (Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
AP Economics Writer Jul 17, 8:51 AM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) � The academic group given the job of dating recessions declared on Thursday that the 2001 recession, the country's first downturn in a decade, officially ended in November of that year, only eight months after it had begun.


(ap) - Really, we are not in a Recession?... I am shocked, SHOCKED!  We at have been reporting on this Fact, as the leading economic indicators have indicated, for well over a year and a fine example of this early reporting happened exactly 2 years ago to this day with this story: "Manufacturing Activity Plunges"I guess it takes "academics" to announce that the sun is coming up in the East, for the "Free Press" to recognize it as a Fact.  It's a good thing too, otherwise, the "Free Press" would have kept insinuating that we were still in a recession, when we are not, and have not been... But they new better, as I have documented with their own buried words via their very own Wire for the entire duration.  What is more important to note, is that 8 months minus November 2001, is actually within a month of Bush (43) taking the Oath, and officially marking the end of the Clinton reign.  Can a President who is in office for only a month, still under the previous Administration's final budget for another 2/3 of a year, Honestly be blamed for the Recession that's decline actually started a year earlier in March of 2000?... The simple, Honest answer is no.  Unless of course, you are a Dishonest Partisan DemocRAT who intends on attacking Bush (43) constantly, with anything, and everything negative, until he is out of Office, and you know who you are!  Historical Fact: Clinton inherited an economy that was growing for a year and half before he took office, and handed off an economy that began declining in his final year, and was at ZERO growth during the election of 2000, then fell into Recession about a month after he Left office... Liars are the only people who deny these Facts. - tha malcontent)

The decision was made by the National Bureau of Economic Research, a group of academic economists which is the recognized arbiter of when recessions begin and end in the United States.


(Says who? - tha malcontent)

The announcement came after a meeting of the NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee, which has struggled for months to reconcile the fact that while the U.S. economy resumed growth in late 2001, as measured by the gross domestic product, unemployment has continued to rise.


(Memo to the "Free Press" and their NBER: The very same thing happened from 1991 thru 1993.  The difference is, the election for Bush (41) happened in 1992, had it happened in 1994, the economy would not have been the issue that Clinton and the "Free Press" were allowed to make it.  By November of 2004, we should be looking at a stronger economy and a steadily declining unemployment rate... It's an easily predictable business cycle, but when you spend most of your time "feeling" certain ways, depending on which Party is in Office, as opposed to "thinking" through things based on Facts and reality, you are usually a Liberal. - tha malcontent)

While the determination of the official ending date for the recession is of interest to economic historians, it is likely to bring little comfort to the nation's unemployed, who have seen their ranks swell in recent months.


(The "Free Press" and their Party, the DemocRATS, accused Governor Bush of "talking down the economy" when he pointed out the negative data that was in back in early 2000 before the election... So what is it that they themselves are doing right now?... Exactly. - tha malcontent)

The unemployment rate hit a nine-year high of 6.4 percent in June, bringing more charges from Democrats that President Bush is mishandling the economy.


(9 minus June of 2003 = 1994 doesn't it?  That was Clinton's 2nd year in office and during the longest expansion in American History and a year before Clinton and the "Free Press" told America to put Clinton back into office for doing such a good job on the economy in the beginning of the Campaign season in 1995.  Don't worry kids, the economy, much to the distain of the Left, is going to do progressively better from here until the election.  You're just going to have to deal with it Marxist America Haters! - tha malcontent)

� Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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