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FBI Reports Hate Crimes Down in 2002

(Direct descendent of Karl Marx! - tha malcontent)
Associated Press Writer Nov 12, 12:49 PM EST

(AP) � Hate crimes dropped significantly in 2002, after surging the previous year due partly to attacks against people appearing Muslim or Middle Eastern following the Sept. 11 hijackings, the FBI reported Wednesday.

(ap) - If Hate Crimes had increased, the AP would have led with one or more of the DemocRATS in the current field of "9 Braying Jackasses" running for the nomination, insinuating that it was Bush (43)'s fault.  Since we know this to be True about the DemocRATS, then we are justified to assume the opposite.  This headline should have read, "Hate Crimes Decline 25% in Bush (43)'s 2nd year".  If it had increased by that amount, there is a good chance that the headline would have made it clear that it happened during Bush (43)'s tenure.  The body of the story would have definitely gone to great lengths to quote a number of the President's opponents in a thinly veiled attempt to paint that perception, if nothing else.  Because this is "good news" for the Country, the AP is sure not to include Bush (43)'s name in this article. Shall we read along and find out if my prediction is correct?... Let's! - tha malcontent)

The 7,462 incidents were a nearly 25 percent drop from the 9,730 reported in 2001 and also were lower than the 8,063 recorded in 2000.

(What's this?... "Hate Crimes are Lower than in Clinton's Final year in Office"?  Smell the Sarcasm?... What's sad is, if this was reversed, and it was bad news for Bush (43), and it made Clinton look good, the AP would have found a way to inject the Former, Impeached, and In Contempt, POTUS! - tha malcontent)

There were 155 hate crime incidents listed as anti-Islamic last year, down sharply from the 481 reported in 2001, when the nation suffered its worst-ever terrorist attack. Meanwhile, there were 931 anti-Jewish incidents, only slightly below those in 2001.

(The AP made an issue of the increase in incidents against Muslims in the year 2001, but failed to make an issue about how many more incidents happened to Jewish people... I wonder why? - tha malcontent)

Racial bias accounted for nearly half of the 2002 incidents, with the vast majority of those - nearly 2,500 - involving crimes against blacks. Anti-white bias accounted for 719 hate crimes in 2002.

(Assuming that the bulk of the anti-White incidents were committed by Blacks, and the bulk of the anti-Black incidents were committed by Whites, the amount committed against Blacks was about 30% of that committed by Whites, while Blacks are only 12.5% of the population. This sounds to me as if anti-White incidents, by ratio, are more than twice as likely to happen, even though the actual numbers paint a different perception without further analysis!  The bigger picture does not help to artificially forward one of the DemocRATS, and their media's, Constituency bases, so you will not get to see the bigger picture!  This is same reason that you never hear that Blacks have suffered under Social/Welfare programs over the last 5 decades, with increased out of Wedlock child births, Divorce, drug use, crime and Incarceration, among other ills.  My simply mentioning these Facts, is Racist, according to those who are hell bent on keeping their Slaves on the New Plantations. - tha malcontent) 

Intimidation made up about 52 percent of all hate crime incidents, followed by vandalism or destruction of property and assault. Eleven murders and eight rapes involved some element of hate crime in 2002, the FBI report said.

(I was once asked, by a tiny manager at the Cherry Bomb in Green Mountain, to leave the Bar, because I was "intimidating" the Bouncer, who was about twice my size...  I wonder if this is the kind of "intimidation" that is being referenced? - tha malcontent)

There were more than 9,200 victims of hate crimes in 2002.

(Let's be clear here, it's more than 9,200 ALLEGED Victims! - tha malcontent)

The hate crime numbers are based on reports to the FBI from more than 12,000 state and local law enforcement agencies around the country.

(What would the "charge and conviction" rate be on those 9,200?... A handful, I am guessing! - tha malcontent)

Separately, the FBI reported Wednesday that 56 law enforcement officers were killed as the result of crimes in 2002, 14 fewer than in 2001. The 2001 figures did not include those who died in the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

(In the War Torn United States last year, 56 of the State's Coalition Soldiers (Police), were killed in "Hostilities"... This helps to clarify the Deaths in Iraq II, doesn't it! - tha malcontent)

In 2002, 15 officers were ambushed, 10 died in traffic pursuits or stops and another 10 were killed attempting to make arrests, the FBI report said.

(It's high time that the Police "pull out" of the United States, it's a Quagmire, and there is no specific time frame for an end to the Death or a stabilization of that region in general!  By the way, young Blacks in Los Angeles, by ratio, are more likely to be gunned down, than our troops in Iraq are!... Think about that, the next time you feel the need to attack the President with the Just Blood of Patriots who are on the Front Lines in this War on Jihadistan, while you complain about the President in comfort!  Sure the Left doesn't see each Death in Iraq as a chip away at Bush (43)'s political armor... Sure they don't!  By the way, the current President was not mentioned in this article. - tha malcontent)


On the Net:

FBI: http:



� Copyright 2003 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... All commentary included on this website is the opinion of tha malcontent and is based in the Truth.  No Liberals, Marxists, Stalinists, Socialists, Communists or DemocRATS were harmed in the making of this website, I promise! -  tha malcontent)


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