� in association with the Liberty Project� presents |� Rant 26 Aug 2003 |
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a malcontent rant� 08.26.2003
The Dictionary has a Liberal Bias II... Vindication.
tha malcontent (Direct
Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
Siding with the powerless: Ideas from 60 years in journalism Walter
Cronkite: "I believe that most of us reporters are liberal."
- Actually Mr. Cronkite, the Fact that the Liberal Arts Degrees your kind
receives before you enter into the Journalistic workforce, are no more than
Marxist Indoctrinations of your young, impressionable minds, is "what makes
you Liberals", but your excusing your finally admitted, Abject Bias, will
help the Collective Left to deal with your Revelation... And give my side
substantial ammo against yours. For that, I thank you Good Sir! - tha
all times, fair and as unbiased as it is possible for opinion to be."
Are we talking about "Reporters", or "Commentators", Mr.
Cronkite?... Oh, they are one in the same! Another shocking Revelation on
the part of the Don! - tha malcontent)
helps you look in the mirror Walter! - tha malcontent)
the previous decades Walter, how many (D)'s did you cast votes for, as opposed
to (R)'s?... That's what I thought! Stop hiding like a Coward behind the
(I) and be Honest about your support of the DemocRAT Party for once in your
Life! - tha malcontent)
believe that most of us reporters are liberal"... The comment that will
haunt you to your grave and beyond my man! Thanks again! And save
the Rationalization, you have already opened the door and no amount of abusing
the tragedy that is Life, is going to excuse your admitted bias now! - tha
paragraph amounts to "White Liberal Guilt". - tha malcontent)
I think your first assertion that most of you are Liberals, is the answer. - tha
(See the "Vindication" portion of this Rant below from last July in regard to Walter's final, and Brilliant Revelation about the Dictionary and it's bias... - tha malcontent)
The Dictionary has a Liberal Bias
tha malcontent (Direct
Descendent of the Founding Fathers! - tha malcontent)
(According to the American Heritage� Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, the following statement is true... "Ultraconservative REPUBLICans are opposed to progress or liberalism, against social equality, against the common people, disrespectful of the individual, and they are intolerant, narrow minded, authoritarian, dogmatic bigots!" And of course, Liberal DemocRATS are exactly the opposite... NOT! If you don't believe me, read below and find out how the dictionary, yes, the DICTIONARY, reads like a DNC Talking Point! It's no wonder that Colleges are churning out Ignorant Marxist SHEEP! If this is the Dictionary, I would hate to see what the history books look like, but I am sure Lenin, Stalin and Marx would be proud of the fruits of their Labour! Stick around after the following definitions for a "personal message" from the Editor in Chief! - tha malcontent)
ul�tra�con�ser�va�tive Pronunciation
Key (ltr-kn-s�rv-tv) Pronunciation
Key (kn-s�rv-tv) Pronunciation
Key (r-ksh-nr)
ul�tra�lib�er�al Pronunciation
Key (ltr-lbr-l, -lbrl) (Note:
20 years ago, this word did not appear in the American Heritage Dictionary,
while "Ultraconservative" did. I wonder who finally complained long
enough to force the Marxist editors at AH to include the other side?) Pronunciation
Key (lbr-l, lbrl) Pronunciation
Key (rd-kl)
dem�o�crat Pronunciation
Key (dm-krt) Pronunciation
Key (d-mkr-s)
re�pub�li�can Pronunciation
Key (r-pbl-kn)
re�pub�lic Pronunciation Key
(A personal message from tha malcontent... I must give credit where credit is due... Had it not been for a very enlightening conversation last evening with a future member of the NEA who is nearing the end of his Masters in Education and soon on his way "home" to San Francisco to do "some good" for that "conservative" city (Yep, he made the absurd assertion that San Francisco is a Conservative town), I would not have had the motivation to look up Liberal and Conservative today, and subsequently found what I found! This gentlemen, who sparked my interest when generally referring to "right-wing religious nut-case Conservatives", but did not like my assertions that specific people were "Left of Marx", even went so far as to say that Willie "Credit card machines for bums" Brown, the Mayor of that ass-backwards cesspool of Marxism that this future "teacher" will be living in soon, had some Conservative views! Yes, Willie Brown, according to this man, has Conservative views! I tried to explain to him that his definition of the "political center" was not the true "center". Let's leave reality for little while and enter the realm of the American Liberal and say that San Francisco is the "center" of the political extremes, shall we! In that setting, a "Conservative" would be someone who supports Abortion and gay marriage. A "Liberal" would be someone who supports inter-generational sex, sex with animals, and Abortions after Birth. Basically, Liberal, and extreme Liberal. As is the case with most Liberal DemocRATS, they live in a "relative" world where words have ever changing meanings and facts and Truth are examples of intolerance and hate. They believe that the "center" starts with them, and that everything else is to Right of their "center". One of there classic defenses of Homosexuals, is to assert that anyone who is disgusted by that non-species forwarding, deviant lifestyle CHOICE, are in fact, homosexuals themselves. Of course, when you ask them how they feel about sex with children or animals, their "disgust" does not equate to their own pedophilia or beastiallity, and then they usually don't want to "debate" with you any longer! The facts and the Truth are always getting in the way of their relative insanity! Back to our "teacher", he also asserted that there is a "plague of White cop on Black youth violence" in this country that warrants the "racially" charged "Free Press" coverage, stemming from the King situation, all of the way up to the "ball grabbing retard" that happened to be Black, and the nuts he had a hold of, were White, and a Cop's, that has been making headlines recently! Another gem from this voice of reason and Truth, was that the Conservative claim that the "Free Press" has a Liberal bias is debunked, according to his "logic", by the fact that rich White people own the "Free Press", while giving no weight whatsoever to the 85% Liberally voting deliverers of the "Free Press" message, such as Dan Rather, Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw on the TV, and the Associated Press puppets around the country, also know as the local news papers, who OVERWHELMINGLY endorse DemocRATS, election after election, while running "news" stories that support those endorsements! I just though I would share a rare occasion that I had to actually hear a Liberal say something other than "George Bush is a dumb daddy's boy", and to give credit to the inspiration for this new piece of Insight that will find a permanent home at the ap under malcontent @! By the way, there are many new additions to that left hand column of the main page... GO THERE NOW! - tha malcontent)
Don't do what you're polled to do!� |
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