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Version 3.5 Turquoise

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04.03.2001 - 3.5 no longer updates top stories

(Click headline for the main ap site to read today's top story!)



Asia Awaits End of US-China Standoff 
(Click headline for the full story)

By THOMAS WAGNER (Direct descendent of Karl Marx)

Associated Press Writer APRIL 02, 07:20 EST 

TOKYO (AP) � Japan urged Beijing and Washington on Monday to avoid allowing the collision of a Chinese warplane and a U.S. surveillance aircraft to strain their relations or jeopardize the peace and stability of the region.


(The "Free Press" is acting like the mouthy instigator on the playground trying to get two kids to fight!  "Asia Awaits End of US-China Standoff".  This is far from a "Standoff" and the "Free Press" knows it!  But that's not going to stop the "Free Press" from interviewing the average Wang on the street in Asia about it!  Let's read as see, shall we! - tha malcontent)


(Click headline for the full story)



Locke Criticizes Bush on Water Rules 
(Click headline for the full story)

(Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 31, 11:44 EST 

WASHINGTON (AP) � President Bush is leading a strategic assault on the environment after he announced plans to rescind a Clinton-era regulation limiting the amount of arsenic allowed in drinking water, a Democratic governor said Saturday.


(The lack of quotation marks around this alleged statement by a DemocRAT Governor bothers me!  This leads the reader to believe that this is not a quote, but an actual fact.  It appeared on the Wire this way so that those who just browse the Wire would have gotten the impression that this was a documented fact instead of the direct quote that it is!  This tactic is old hat for the "Free Press".  Let's see if there is anything resembling objectivity in this story, or will it just be another one sided hatchet job on the Bush Administration brought to you by the "non-partisan" Ministry of Propaganda, the "Free Press"! - tha malcontent)


(Click headline for the full story)



U.N. Body Takes Up Human Rights
(Click headline for the full story)


By CLARE NULLIS (Direct descendent of Karl Marx)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 30, 08:47 EST 

GENEVA (AP) � In thinly veiled swipes at the United States, French President Jacques Chirac on Friday appealed for a world ban on the death penalty and criticized the ``disturbing challenge'' to an agreement on reducing global warming.


("Chirac Appeals For Death Penalty Ban" was the lead headline on the Wire for this piece of "Free Press" dung!  I'm not sure why the AP uses bait and switch tactics!  I've got a "disturbing challenge" for you Jacques, do something about YOUR syphilis problem before you come knocking on our door!  As far as "thinly veiled swipes" go, take a bath, you're stinkin' up the U.N.! - tha malcontent)


(Click headline for the full story)


Arafat Says Uprising Will Continue
(Click headline for the full story)

By GREG MYRE (Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 29, 08:16 EST 

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) � A defiant Yasser Arafat said Thursday the Palestinian uprising will continue despite Israel's warning � delivered with rocket attacks on the bases of Palestinian security forces � that he must rein in militants who killed three Israeli children this week.

(Yasser Arafat is a TERRORIST "Free Press"!  I am sure we are going to be treated to yet another "there are two sides to every coin"  story that is nauseatingly sympathetic to the MURDEROUS TERRORIST Palestinians!  For an example of Yasser's handy work that the "Free Press" refuses to give a headline to while they harp on another terrorist's killing of innocent children, Timothy McVeigh, here is a picture of a 10 month old Jewish child with a head wound from a Palestinian sniper's gun, she died by the way... [Warning: Graphic Picture] - tha malcontent)

(Click headline for the full story)


Russia's Putin Makes Cabinet Changes

(Click headline for the full story)


By No author... AGAIN! (Direct descendent of Karl Marx)
Associated Press Writer  MARCH 28, 07:24 EST 

MOSCOW (AP) � Russia's President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday made his most sweeping Cabinet changes since becoming president a year ago, naming his Security Council chief as the new defense minister.


(And people said not to worry when an ex-KGB Boss was "elected" President in Russia!  No, he won't recreate a KGB heavy Russian Government!  Well look at what we have here... a KGB heavy Russian Government!  I believe it's about time we stop sending the Commies the American tax-payer's money!  Of course, that should have never started!  The Eagle will go to the side of it's fallen enemy, The Bear. - tha malcontent)


(Click headline for the full story)


Poll: Americans Back Bush Generally 
(Click headline for the full story)

By WILL LESTER (Direct descendent of Joseph Stalin)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 27, 03:46 EST 

WASHINGTON (AP) � Americans are still behind President Bush generally, polls suggest, but they have concerns about some of his policies and priorities.

("Americans Back Bush Generally"... Of course we will not have the benefit of knowing how these poll questions were phrased and whether or not the blanket coverage of certain subjects by the "Free Press" with a noted lean to the left have had any influence!  The "Free Press" is seething at the opportunity to report that the Bush approval rating has dipped under 50%!  When it happens, there will be a noted joy in the tone of the reporting of it, mark my words! - tha malcontent)

(Click headline for the full story)

Senators Continue Finance Reform
(Click headline for the full story)

By GINA HOLLAND (Direct descendent of Karl Marx)
Associated Press Writer MARCH 26, 01:41 EST

WASHINGTON (AP) � As senators head into a second week of debate on campaign finance, Sen. John McCain is trying to head off momentum for a rival to his own overhaul plan banning soft money.

(John "The Maverick" McCain is fighting "soft money" with "soft money"!  I think the Senator has something there!  The police should try fighting burglary with burglary, or rape with rape!  If the "Free Press" wasn't trying to gain 100% control of the outlets of information, they would call McCain out for the megalomaniac that he is!  So far, McCain is helping the "Free Press" to their goal and they couldn't be happier!  Good job John! - tha malcontent)

(Click headline for the full story)


Here's the AP's legal stuff so they don't sue me, but they will anyway!


 � Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


(That depends on what the meaning of "may" is... tha malcontent)


Don't do what you're polled to do!�       associalisticpress.com 


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the ap was last updated... 15 Jul 2009 12:45:42 AM EST


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